Friday, December 6, 2019

Recruitment In Food Service Industry Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Recruitment In Food Service Industry. Answer: Introduction The rate of turnover in the food service industry is going high in comparison of other industries. The operations of attracting, retaining as well as performing workforces are internal and significant in todays world of fierce competition. To attract good talent in the industry in the current time with tough competition, innovative culture and good reputation to create high quality food services becomes a challenge. However it is important to look for different opportunities to deal with challenges (Murray et al, 2017). The world of culinary has seen a dramatic move in last few years with high popularity in cooking also exhibit and also heightens the stardom of the chef by developing a culture for foodie with high level of expectations and high demand not just for good food but good services as well. In order to find as well as keep talented employees to rise in their career and also accept the challenges should be the main task in current scenario for the hotels and restaurants. Execution of different employment based work at hotels has to provide with an edge to attract more and more talent within the multitude of various food based service outlets (Rudolph et al, 2017). Challenges in recruitment in food service industry Following is the detailed discussion of the challenges: - Labor supply/ demand: from international point of view, the current industry can perform better to deal with various labor related issues that is a common trend in the sector. The good thing is that its a powerful industry and has a strong voice. However, it is important to use it in effective manner (Antn et al, 2016). While working and competing in the industry without the right attitude of association can be very challenging and can be an issue to attract people to have a career in food service industry. The industry is however booming and there cannot be a better time to pursue a career in it and the future of industry relies on it (Alberti, 2016). Organizational images: there are multiple trends in the industry that are playing a crucial role in how much attention an employer can attract. The reputation plays an important role and the on trend market demands it as well (Kajn et al, 2015). Managers, who are lacking the zeal to innovate in adopting new products or advanced level technology, usually restrict themselves. Selection and recruitment of talented and young workforce is even tougher. There are number of studies which shows that in coming five years will be able to make up half of the staff and have also highlighted the transformations that company require to make in order to compete in market. Without actually trying to meet few demands, it is being claimed that the process of recruitment will remain big and meet the current ongoing challenges (Anwar et al., 2017). The managers also need to move ahead and develop sectors which are attractive for many younger generations. Organizations have also expressed the desire for the current training as well as development. But it is also discussed on multiple platforms that the managers are not very keen to put money in training for sake of fear to lose the workforce once the investment is made (Jones et al, 2016). Demographic issues: at the time of recruitment of new employees, the industry work very closely with the HR department to make sure that people recognize the right features along with experiences and performance based quality for the prospective candidates. Once they are selected and goes through the standard process laid down by HR, the interview procedure starts with department based management team. It is important for the industry to bring all the talents at one platform so that they showcase diversity with multiple options that they can offer to organization. There are number of studies which have shown time and again that the manager plays an important role in impacting the overall commitment to the organization and the likelihood that the company is retaining employees is based on organizations shoulders which means the management will have to began the association from the starting (Zopiatis et al, 2014). At the time of recruitment, it is important to aim on the skill set of employees and however one must strive to recognize the intangibles like the sense of urgency, overall personality, upbeat approach, ethics as well as guest services which will be paramount. The recruitment procedure has also become tougher since not it is crucial to make sure that potential employees have the right skill set they require but it is also important to find a good match for the culture and values system of organization. (Breaugh, 2017) Recruitment strategies Employer branding: To retain the valuable workforce is actually becoming a huge challenge for the modern society. The company needs to recognize as well as provide the high quality as well as right culture for the employees so that level of productivity can be increased. The workforce also needs to feel that they are crucial part of the family and have an unwavering support system for the objectives and desires (Anton et al., 2016). Good communication and an open door policy are very crucial since it helps in maintaining a healthy association with the workforce. The best kind of performers also welcomes high level of expectation and wants to understand that they on a team with talented people (Rees et al., 2017). The reviews and feedback helps the workforce to gain a good idea of how they are functioning and what training options one can get to grow the skills as well as knowledge. People also need to understand that how the work as well as success of career fits into the overall pic ture. Similarly the organization must gain a clear understanding that any team member needs to have a personal space and look to accommodate any case that can occur (Kim et al, 2015). To make sure the workforces have the right balance in work and home life will help in promoting health in general. The organizations in the industry have to conduct meeting on one on one level with employees after every quarter with direct supervision on objectives, options and general level interaction about the work enjoyment. It is important to aim on the motivation level of every individual and kind of tools they require for success. It is also crucial to remember that each and everyone are unique and different (Jayawardena et al, 2017). It is also crucial to convey same kind of compassion as well as empathy as the fulfillment of the responsibilities is very crucial. In order to foster high level of education and growth in career is another method to retain the workforce in this industry. For many employees, the process of mastering one set of skills or one area of accountability is not sufficient to sustain a personal desire to develop and the professional level of drive to gain success. To make sure that the employees are constantly having the option to increase their level of competencies and skills is not just about the present job performance, but it will also foster the ongoing motivation and enthusiasm (Armstrong et al., 2016). The companies will have to launch number of programs in the food as well as services department for leadership education and advancement program. Such program must be designed in a way that it challenges the skills of the employees and engage them with front line team and with employees who shows the leadership as their strongest point in the department (Wright Constantin, 2015). The program must be structured in a way which provides the managers with tools that are important to assist the company to flourish in the market. The program must als o assists the managers with right kind of training methods in order to keep the staff knowledgeable about every possible food outlet since it helps in keeping a strong foundation (Islam, 2016). Rewards policies: Recognition at personal and public level is very important and can work as a huge motivator for people. The process of rewarding must be done recognize the achievement with outstanding services and exceptional approach that have proved to be a most crucial part of retention at organizations (Renwick et al., 2016). The human resource department will also have to develop a lot of programs to appreciate the extraordinary services and helps in fostering a sense of friendly level of competition within the department as well as company. Permitting the workforce to get some acknowledgement for high level of service with so many exemplary actions, make them feel more valuable as well as appreciated (Bettiol et al, 2015). Conclusion and recommendations The recruitment is considered as a major function of the human resource management, where the attraction, selection and the appointment of the candidates for the jobs is done for the unpaid positions like the voluntary roles or the trainee roles. In the food industry, it is important to analyze the different employment patterns, with the public-sector employment agencies, commercial recruitment agencies and the search consultancies that are important for working over the voluntary roles or some of the unpaid trainee roles. Consumers in the form of customers are the lifeblood for any organization in food service industry and right kind of staff is the backbone of the organization. For the food, the human resource management is set with the public-sector employment agencies and the commercial recruitment that is based on support the different aspects of the recruitment standards (Subramaniam et al., 2016). The sourcing and the analysis of the jobs are mainly to identify the recruitment patterns which involve the professional publications, and the job centers in different manner using internet. People can perceive that the present rate of unemployment can be inductive and based on deep labor pool which is highly brimming with highly qualified and motivated seekers for job and the workforce still needs to experience a lot of staffing challenges (Mathe-Soulek et al, 2014). There are many ways to hire in this industry and the recruiter needs to improve the overall chances to find the best option in huge pool of candidates. Studies also showed that the searching the best resumes posted by candidates usually yields high quality workforce. Many other organizations use job posting as well as resume searches about industry based job boards where the chances are based on finding experienced professionals. 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